How many times do parents and shadchanim hear the name of what sounds like a great boy, but have no idea how to find information about him? was created to simplify the process, and hopefully, with the help of Hashem, generate many more shidduchim for Klal Yisrael!

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From left to right seated: Rav Meir Herskowitz Rosh Yeshiva of Stamford, Rav Yechiel Perr Rosh Yeshiva of Derech Aison of Far Rockaway, Rav Aharon Schechter Rosh Yeshiva of Chaim Berlin, Maran Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Zt"l Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, Rav Elya Sorotzkin Rosh Yeshiva of Springfield, and Rav Yaakov Perlow (Novominsker Rebbe) Rosh Yeshiva of Novominsk. Standing: Reb Eliyahu Yanovsky Principal of Lakewood Seminary presenting the problem with the statistics.
From left to right: Maran Rav Shmuel Berenbaum Zt"l Rosh Yeshiva of Mir, Rav Yaakov Perlow (Novominsker Rebbe) Rosh Yeshiva of Novominsk, Rav Lipa Margulies Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Temima, Rav Malkiel Kotler Rosh Yeshiva of Lakewood, Rav Elya Ber Wachtfogel Rosh Yeshiva of South Fallsburg, Rav Aharon Feldman Rosh Yeshiva of Ner Yisroel of Baltimore, Rav Levi Dicker Rosh Yeshiva of Belle Harbor, Rav Chaim Epstein Rosh Yeshiva of Zichron Melech, Rav Yaakov Busel Rosh Yeshiva of Edison, Rav Elya Kanarek Rosh Yeshiva of Peekskill, and Rav Shmuel Abba Olshin Rosh Yeshiva of Emek Hatalmud. 

ShidduchimList is brought to you by the Vaad L'Hatzalas Bnos Yisroel, under the direction of Gedolei Roshei Yeshiva. Our database includes names of boys who are presently learning in Eretz Yisrael, Lakewood, Chaim Berlin and Torah V'daas. We are continuously updating our List. Operation and maintenance costs for this site, as well as other activities of the Vaad, require your assistance. In order to participate in its zchus, please click here and we will provide additional information.